Kubernetes Kubelet

1. Kubelet


  • nodeStatusUpdateFrequency time.Duration
    nodeStatusUpdateFrequency specifies how often kubelet computes node status. If node lease feature is not enabled, it is also the frequency that kubelet posts node status to master. In that case, be cautious when changing the constant, it must work with nodeMonitorGracePeriod in nodecontroller. There are several constraints:
    1. nodeMonitorGracePeriod must be N times more than nodeStatusUpdateFrequency, where N means number of retries allowed for kubelet to post node status. It is pointless to make nodeMonitorGracePeriod be less than nodeStatusUpdateFrequency, since there will only be fresh values from Kubelet at an interval of nodeStatusUpdateFrequency. The constant must be less than podEvictionTimeout.
    2. nodeStatusUpdateFrequency needs to be large enough for kubelet to generate node status. Kubelet may fail to update node status reliably if the value is too small, as it takes time to gather all necessary node information.
  • nodeStatusReportFrequency time.Duration
    nodeStatusReportFrequency is the frequency that kubelet posts node status to master. It is only used when node lease feature is enabled.

The underlying root cause is combination of:

etcd keeping both current state and transaction log with copy-on-write node heartbeats being pontetially very large objects (note that images are only one potential problem, the second are volumes and customers want to mount 100+ volumes to a single node) - they may easily exceed 15kB; even though the patch send over network is small, in etcd we store the whole Node object Kubelet sending heartbeats every 10s This proposal presents a proper solution for that problem.

Note that currently (by default): Lack of NodeStatus update for (default: 40s) results in NodeController marking node as NotReady (pods are no longer scheduled on that node) Lack of NodeStatus updates for (default: 5m) results in NodeController starting pod evictions from that node

With this new API in place, we will change Kubelet so that:

  1. Kubelet is periodically computing NodeStatus every 10s (at it is now), but that will be independent from reporting status
  2. Kubelet is reporting NodeStatus if:
    • there was a meaningful change in it (initially we can probably assume that every change is meaningful, including e.g. images on the node)
    • or it didn’t report it over last node-status-update-period secondsz
  3. Kubelet creates and periodically updates its own Lease object and frequency of those updates is independent from NodeStatus update frequency.
// Kubelet is the main kubelet implementation.
type Kubelet struct {
	kubeletConfiguration kubeletconfiginternal.KubeletConfiguration

	// hostname is the hostname the kubelet detected or was given via flag/config
	hostname string
	// hostnameOverridden indicates the hostname was overridden via flag/config
	hostnameOverridden bool

	nodeName        types.NodeName
	runtimeCache    kubecontainer.RuntimeCache
	kubeClient      clientset.Interface
	heartbeatClient clientset.Interface
	rootDirectory   string

	lastObservedNodeAddressesMux sync.RWMutex
	lastObservedNodeAddresses    []v1.NodeAddress

	// onRepeatedHeartbeatFailure is called when a heartbeat operation fails more than once. optional.
	onRepeatedHeartbeatFailure func()

	// podWorkers handle syncing Pods in response to events.
	podWorkers PodWorkers

	// resyncInterval is the interval between periodic full reconciliations of
	// pods on this node.
	resyncInterval time.Duration

	// sourcesReady records the sources seen by the kubelet, it is thread-safe.
	sourcesReady config.SourcesReady

	// podManager is a facade that abstracts away the various sources of pods
	// this Kubelet services.
	podManager kubepod.Manager

	// Needed to observe and respond to situations that could impact node stability
	evictionManager eviction.Manager

	// Optional, defaults to /logs/ from /var/log
	logServer http.Handler
	// Optional, defaults to simple Docker implementation
	runner kubecontainer.CommandRunner

	// cAdvisor used for container information.
	cadvisor cadvisor.Interface

	// Set to true to have the node register itself with the apiserver.
	registerNode bool
	// List of taints to add to a node object when the kubelet registers itself.
	registerWithTaints []v1.Taint
	// Set to true to have the node register itself as schedulable.
	registerSchedulable bool
	// for internal book keeping; access only from within registerWithApiserver
	registrationCompleted bool

	// dnsConfigurer is used for setting up DNS resolver configuration when launching pods.
	dnsConfigurer *dns.Configurer

	// masterServiceNamespace is the namespace that the master service is exposed in.
	masterServiceNamespace string
	// serviceLister knows how to list services
	serviceLister serviceLister
	// serviceHasSynced indicates whether services have been sync'd at least once.
	// Check this before trusting a response from the lister.
	serviceHasSynced cache.InformerSynced
	// nodeLister knows how to list nodes
	nodeLister corelisters.NodeLister
	// nodeHasSynced indicates whether nodes have been sync'd at least once.
	// Check this before trusting a response from the node lister.
	nodeHasSynced cache.InformerSynced
	// a list of node labels to register
	nodeLabels map[string]string

	// Last timestamp when runtime responded on ping.
	// Mutex is used to protect this value.
	runtimeState *runtimeState

	// Volume plugins.
	volumePluginMgr *volume.VolumePluginMgr

	// Handles container probing.
	probeManager prober.Manager
	// Manages container health check results.
	livenessManager  proberesults.Manager
	readinessManager proberesults.Manager
	startupManager   proberesults.Manager

	// How long to keep idle streaming command execution/port forwarding
	// connections open before terminating them
	streamingConnectionIdleTimeout time.Duration

	// The EventRecorder to use
	recorder record.EventRecorder

	// Policy for handling garbage collection of dead containers.
	containerGC kubecontainer.GC

	// Manager for image garbage collection.
	imageManager images.ImageGCManager

	// Manager for container logs.
	containerLogManager logs.ContainerLogManager

	// Secret manager.
	secretManager secret.Manager

	// ConfigMap manager.
	configMapManager configmap.Manager

	// Cached MachineInfo returned by cadvisor.
	machineInfoLock sync.RWMutex
	machineInfo     *cadvisorapi.MachineInfo

	// Handles certificate rotations.
	serverCertificateManager certificate.Manager

	// Syncs pods statuses with apiserver; also used as a cache of statuses.
	statusManager status.Manager

	// VolumeManager runs a set of asynchronous loops that figure out which
	// volumes need to be attached/mounted/unmounted/detached based on the pods
	// scheduled on this node and makes it so.
	volumeManager volumemanager.VolumeManager

	// Cloud provider interface.
	cloud cloudprovider.Interface
	// Handles requests to cloud provider with timeout
	cloudResourceSyncManager cloudresource.SyncManager

	// Indicates that the node initialization happens in an external cloud controller
	externalCloudProvider bool
	// Reference to this node.
	nodeRef *v1.ObjectReference

	// Container runtime.
	containerRuntime kubecontainer.Runtime

	// Streaming runtime handles container streaming.
	streamingRuntime kubecontainer.StreamingRuntime

	// Container runtime service (needed by container runtime Start()).
	runtimeService internalapi.RuntimeService

	// reasonCache caches the failure reason of the last creation of all containers, which is
	// used for generating ContainerStatus.
	reasonCache *ReasonCache

	// nodeStatusUpdateFrequency specifies how often kubelet computes node status. If node lease
	// feature is not enabled, it is also the frequency that kubelet posts node status to master.
	// In that case, be cautious when changing the constant, it must work with nodeMonitorGracePeriod
	// in nodecontroller. There are several constraints:
	// 1. nodeMonitorGracePeriod must be N times more than nodeStatusUpdateFrequency, where
	//    N means number of retries allowed for kubelet to post node status. It is pointless
	//    to make nodeMonitorGracePeriod be less than nodeStatusUpdateFrequency, since there
	//    will only be fresh values from Kubelet at an interval of nodeStatusUpdateFrequency.
	//    The constant must be less than podEvictionTimeout.
	// 2. nodeStatusUpdateFrequency needs to be large enough for kubelet to generate node
	//    status. Kubelet may fail to update node status reliably if the value is too small,
	//    as it takes time to gather all necessary node information.
	nodeStatusUpdateFrequency time.Duration

	// nodeStatusReportFrequency is the frequency that kubelet posts node
	// status to master. It is only used when node lease feature is enabled.
	nodeStatusReportFrequency time.Duration

	// lastStatusReportTime is the time when node status was last reported.
	lastStatusReportTime time.Time

	// lastContainerStartedTime is the time of the last ContainerStarted event observed per pod
	lastContainerStartedTime *timeCache

	// syncNodeStatusMux is a lock on updating the node status, because this path is not thread-safe.
	// This lock is used by Kubelet.syncNodeStatus function and shouldn't be used anywhere else.
	syncNodeStatusMux sync.Mutex

	// updatePodCIDRMux is a lock on updating pod CIDR, because this path is not thread-safe.
	// This lock is used by Kubelet.syncNodeStatus function and shouldn't be used anywhere else.
	updatePodCIDRMux sync.Mutex

	// updateRuntimeMux is a lock on updating runtime, because this path is not thread-safe.
	// This lock is used by Kubelet.updateRuntimeUp function and shouldn't be used anywhere else.
	updateRuntimeMux sync.Mutex

	// nodeLeaseController claims and renews the node lease for this Kubelet
	nodeLeaseController lease.Controller

	// Generates pod events.
	pleg pleg.PodLifecycleEventGenerator

	// Store kubecontainer.PodStatus for all pods.
	podCache kubecontainer.Cache

	// os is a facade for various syscalls that need to be mocked during testing.
	os kubecontainer.OSInterface

	// Watcher of out of memory events.
	oomWatcher oomwatcher.Watcher

	// Monitor resource usage
	resourceAnalyzer serverstats.ResourceAnalyzer

	// Whether or not we should have the QOS cgroup hierarchy for resource management
	cgroupsPerQOS bool

	// If non-empty, pass this to the container runtime as the root cgroup.
	cgroupRoot string

	// Mounter to use for volumes.
	mounter mount.Interface

	// hostutil to interact with filesystems
	hostutil hostutil.HostUtils

	// subpather to execute subpath actions
	subpather subpath.Interface

	// Manager of non-Runtime containers.
	containerManager cm.ContainerManager

	// Maximum Number of Pods which can be run by this Kubelet
	maxPods int

	// Monitor Kubelet's sync loop
	syncLoopMonitor atomic.Value

	// Container restart Backoff
	backOff *flowcontrol.Backoff

	// Information about the ports which are opened by daemons on Node running this Kubelet server.
	daemonEndpoints *v1.NodeDaemonEndpoints

	// A queue used to trigger pod workers.
	workQueue queue.WorkQueue

	// oneTimeInitializer is used to initialize modules that are dependent on the runtime to be up.
	oneTimeInitializer sync.Once

	// If set, use this IP address or addresses for the node
	nodeIPs []net.IP

	// use this function to validate the kubelet nodeIP
	nodeIPValidator func(net.IP) error

	// If non-nil, this is a unique identifier for the node in an external database, eg. cloudprovider
	providerID string

	// clock is an interface that provides time related functionality in a way that makes it
	// easy to test the code.
	clock clock.WithTicker

	// handlers called during the tryUpdateNodeStatus cycle
	setNodeStatusFuncs []func(*v1.Node) error

	lastNodeUnschedulableLock sync.Mutex
	// maintains Node.Spec.Unschedulable value from previous run of tryUpdateNodeStatus()
	lastNodeUnschedulable bool

	// the list of handlers to call during pod admission.
	admitHandlers lifecycle.PodAdmitHandlers

	// softAdmithandlers are applied to the pod after it is admitted by the Kubelet, but before it is
	// run. A pod rejected by a softAdmitHandler will be left in a Pending state indefinitely. If a
	// rejected pod should not be recreated, or the scheduler is not aware of the rejection rule, the
	// admission rule should be applied by a softAdmitHandler.
	softAdmitHandlers lifecycle.PodAdmitHandlers

	// the list of handlers to call during pod sync loop.

	// the list of handlers to call during pod sync.

	// the number of allowed pods per core
	podsPerCore int

	// enableControllerAttachDetach indicates the Attach/Detach controller
	// should manage attachment/detachment of volumes scheduled to this node,
	// and disable kubelet from executing any attach/detach operations
	enableControllerAttachDetach bool

	// trigger deleting containers in a pod
	containerDeletor *podContainerDeletor

	// config iptables util rules
	makeIPTablesUtilChains bool

	// The bit of the fwmark space to mark packets for SNAT.
	iptablesMasqueradeBit int

	// The bit of the fwmark space to mark packets for dropping.
	iptablesDropBit int

	// The AppArmor validator for checking whether AppArmor is supported.
	appArmorValidator apparmor.Validator

	// experimentalHostUserNamespaceDefaulting sets userns=true when users request host namespaces (pid, ipc, net),
	// are using non-namespaced capabilities (mknod, sys_time, sys_module), the pod contains a privileged container,
	// or using host path volumes.
	// This should only be enabled when the container runtime is performing user remapping AND if the
	// experimental behavior is desired.
	experimentalHostUserNamespaceDefaulting bool

	// StatsProvider provides the node and the container stats.
	StatsProvider *stats.Provider

	// This flag, if set, instructs the kubelet to keep volumes from terminated pods mounted to the node.
	// This can be useful for debugging volume related issues.
	keepTerminatedPodVolumes bool // DEPRECATED

	// pluginmanager runs a set of asynchronous loops that figure out which
	// plugins need to be registered/unregistered based on this node and makes it so.
	pluginManager pluginmanager.PluginManager

	// This flag sets a maximum number of images to report in the node status.
	nodeStatusMaxImages int32

	// Handles RuntimeClass objects for the Kubelet.
	runtimeClassManager *runtimeclass.Manager

	// Handles node shutdown events for the Node.
	shutdownManager nodeshutdown.Manager

[1] Efficient Node Heartbeats - https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/tree/master/keps/sig-node/589-efficient-node-heartbeats [2] Lease - https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/architecture/leases/

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